Flick : 1. A light, quick blow, jerk, or tap. 2. A story told through a series of continuously projected pictures and a sound track. We're saturated with images every day – photographs, movies, advertisements, games. I often wonder how many of us exist in our own minds as the main character in a film with our favorite music following us from place to place throughout the day? Barely one hundred years ago, silent films, accompanied by live piano music, introduced us to the idea of people as pictures that move and tell stories; music heightened the emotional effect, smoothed them out, moved them along. Digital technology now makes these moving pictures available on screens in our pockets. People and pictures are inextricably entwined in our culture, and music, untethered from its source, subtly underscores our every move. We seldom even think about it, it's just there. As creators of music and images, Alden and I are very aware of those t...